Thursday, September 12, 2013

What is that, VELVET?!!

Hello TSS lovelies! its been sooo long since my last post. I have come to the realization that I a a working Mamma and blogging has to be a hobby until I can make it my priority. So enough of that downer stuff!

Let's talk about this "Mean Green" I came across after finally sitting down and looking at my Ikea catalog. Yes, I am late, but my gosh this is too stylishly cute! It goes right along with the the emerald Pantone color of the year...I posted here!

Okay so back to the sofa. What is that, velvet?!! YES. LOVE to the umpteenth power, and it comes in a variety of colors. Thank you Ikea for giving me a reason to come see you again! Oh but wait, that cabinet though. Two-toned with cabinet drawers and drawers below. There are several ways to use this, but i think it will work great as a bar.

My impression of Ikea furniture is that it is doll furniture to me because I am am such a stallion of a woman. But that sofa can find its way into my home any day. Classy and clean its right up my ally!


  1. Welcome back. Love that mean green.

  2. I love green, too and I'm currently using it in my apartment. By the way, I love your blog.

    1. Thank you for stopping by Dee D! Looking forward to seeing your use of green. Good luck with your apartment!

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